Mastering observability in modern applications

Mastering Observability in Modern Applications

In this emerging technology, ensuring the reliability, performance, and seamless operation of applications plays an evident role.

This is where observability steps in as a critical component of modern application development and operations, offering a comprehensive understanding of the inner workings of complex software systems.

Observability in modern applications makes your system transparent, which enables you to diagnose and troubleshoot issues before they affect the end user.

Understanding Observability

Observability in modern applications is a measure of how well the internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs.

In the software context, observability is the knowledge of health and performance in the application that’s gotten through logs, metrics, and traces—the three pillars of observability.

Wondering why not monitoring? Continue reading to know more about observability over monitoring.

Observability vs. Monitoring

Although observability is closely related to and often considered part of monitoring, it is not monitoring.

Monitoring involves the collection of data through analysis to identify failure in the system, and in many cases, such data collection protocols are predefined through already known failure modes.

On the other hand, observability is about looking at the unknowns, giving the tools and data necessary to understand and diagnose what was unknown before.

Why Observability Matters

Observability is central to the reliability and performance of any system, and it enables teams to rapidly pinpoint and fix issues, many times before these issues will have an impact on the end users of the system.

It allows teams to understand their system’s behavior in real-time.

1. Easily identify and resolve issues, in most cases even before they start having any impact on users.

2. Understand the system actions in real time.

3. Ability to make informed decisions based on aggregated data.

4. Enhance the system with insights into design and architecture.

Observability Key Components

The below Observability key components collectively provide insights into the performance, health, and behavior of a system/application. To further explore the backbone of observability in modern applications.


Observability identifies logs as records of events that have occurred within an application or system. They are core to observability since they describe what step was taken by the system at every time point, be it an action, an error, or the state of the system.

Logging best practices

Structured Logging: The adjoining of these log messages could be taken up in a structured format (like JSON) so they are human-readable and machine-interpretable and parsing and analysis can be made easier.

Log levels

The importance of log messages can be classified using log levels such as ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warning’, and ‘error’, which help during analysis in the filtration and prioritization of the messages.


This refers to the quantitative measurement of system behaviour and performance, such as latency, traffic, errors, and saturation factors.
Metrics: The pillars of observability

Metrics Collection Types

Collecting such metrics would require the specific kind of tools present in our product, that can follow up and aggregate data throughout the system components.


Distributed tracing involves the tracking of a single request through its tour of multiple distributed systems. It helps in associating every log and metric with one single operation and thus enables comprehension of complex interactions, which is a very necessary thing to narrow down issues in microservices.

Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing is the visualization of requests flowing through the components of your system, therefore narrowing down on failing points or performance bottlenecks.

Implementation of Observability

Define meaningful alerts and thresholds: Define sets of alerts or thresholds following the data collected.

How to Scale and Maintain the Observability Setup

1. Continuous Improvement: Refine the performance and reliability of your application with insights gained from the observability data.

2. Regularly keep reviewing and adjusting observability metrics, logs, and traces to ensure they provide insight relevant to your service.

3. Ensure that the observability tools scale up with your application when it experiences increased load and complexity.
Mastering observability in modern applications is more than deploying the right tool; it means adapting culture for continuous improvement and, one could say, it makes curiosity count.

Focusing on the key dimensions of logs, metrics, and traces, to develop effective observability practices shall contribute toward better system reliability, performance, and understanding of application.

The observability area for the teams of development and operations’ knowledge and practice is an area that is ever needed and will improve with the technology.
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